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Training exercises for soccer goalkeepers: Basic preparation in 5 steps

10 Sep 2024

Training exercises for soccer goalkeepers: Basic preparation in 5 steps

The goalkeeper is the last link that can stop the opponent's attacking action. His qualities often decide the success of the whole team and his mistakes are not forgiven. In addition to joint training with others, they must also work on individual preparation. In professional football, goalkeepers have their own coach who helps them with technique training, but as beginners and recreational players you often have to figure it out yourself. These 5 basic exercises for goalkeepers should at least partially help you with this.

1. The first three steps are decisive

You have to move instinctively and confidently in the box, always ready for possible shots or passes. How to train it?

You will need a second player and four cones , which you will place in a box or elsewhere on the field in a rectangle. You will take a position in the middle and your partner will stand outside the marked rectangle. As soon as he gives you the signal, you run up to the cone, touch it and return to the starting position . You can repeat this ten or more times, and it is ideal to move the cones in between to make the exercise as difficult as possible.

2. Catching the ball while standing

Catching the ball while standing , whether at rest or in motion, can be considered a complete goalkeeping foundation . And at the same time you need to remember one rule, it is the work of the whole body, but the hands protected by special goalkeeper gloves are always the first to go to the ball . Fortunately, it's very easy to train clean actions, using the following exercise:

To begin with , it is quite enough for a teammate or coach to slowly throw or roll the ball on the ground. And you can fully concentrate on the technique. Only in the second phase do you speed up the whole exercise in order to sharpen quick reactions. And if you don't have a training partner at the moment, it doesn't matter, a wall will suffice, from which the ball will bounce fast enough.

3. Falls and catching bullets while falling

Well-practiced falls not only look good, but can also motivate the whole team and encourage them to win. In addition, this exercise will help you in the overall development of your dexterity and is not complicated at all. So anyone who wants to try the role of a goalkeeper can handle it. How to do it?

Take a position about 5 meters away from your training partner. He should throw the ball on the ground in a direction to the left or right of you. So you have to jump on the ball to catch it .. Then throw the balloon back to the other player and quickly bounce to get back to standing. Ideally, repeat this exercise at least twenty times, constantly increasing the speed. That way, you have a better chance of getting better soon.

4. Reaction speed and hand work

The basic training of goalkeepers must also include the training of quick reactions, thanks to which you can process most balls, even if they are completely unexpected. But it is also related to well-mastered manual work. So what exercise is suitable for perception and dexterity?

Again, you will need a training partner. You be ready in your position facing the goal and he should be standing approximately 9 to 14 meters away from you. He will throw the balloon close to you, but at different heights, and when he shouts or whistles at you, take it as a signal to immediately turn around and catch the ball. In order for the exercise to have the greatest effect, repeat it at least twenty times.

5. Passing

Finally, don't forget to practice the passing game , which is essential for setting up the attack, as well as the passing game to keep the ball and relieve the pressure on your teammates. Footwork is often underrated in goalkeepers, but if you want to be good, it's not enough to just have great kicking technique. Therefore, first of all, train the correct kicks and then also the accuracy of the throws . So the first exercise goes roughly like this:

To develop technique and strength, we recommend starting excavations near the lime . So place targets on the field at different distances and try to hit them as accurately as possible. You can zoom in and out gradually . From the vicinity of the penalty area, you can reach the other half of the pitch and the cones can be exchanged for small tennis balls or cones.

For more accurate throws, we recommend placing teammates in the field or at least setting up cones or markers and trying to hit them exactly. It is best to start with short distances and gradually increase them and simulate different game scenarios . The key to the success of any sports preparation is consistency , and this also applies to basic training exercises for goalkeepers. Thanks to this alone, you will gradually build muscle memory and hone your accuracy to the maximum.
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