
Top 10 foreign football podcasts

Top 10 foreign football podcasts We just need football podcasts. There's nothing better than listening to detailed analyses, football news and inspiring interviews - on the go, in the gym or even while fixing your car in the garage. You just need to find "the right one". Today, therefore, we will look at ten...
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VAR ve fotbale: Nový systém ovlivňuje průběh i dynamiku zápasů

VAR ve fotbale: Nový systém ovlivňuje průběh i dynamiku zápasů I do profesionálního fotbalu dnes pronikají moderní technologie a jednou z nich je právě VAR. Princip tohoto systému spočívá zjednodušeně řečeno v tom, že video asistent rozhodčího přezkoumává jeho rozhodnutí pomocí videozáznamů. Jedná se o novinku, která funguje teprve od roku 2017 a stále...
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The economics of football: How clubs are dealing with financial challenges

The economics of football: How clubs are dealing with financial challenges Funding for professional football is quite complex and works differently to amateur competitions, which are often dependent on membership fees and public funding. In the Czech Republic, for example, they are largely subsidized by the FAČR (Football Association of the Czech Republic). On...
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The best football academies: 5 places where million-dollar talents are born

The best football academies: 5 places where million-dollar talents are born In recent years, football academies have been increasing all over the world. They are an interesting investment opportunity for founders and give players and their families hope that they will become the next Maradona or Messi. However, the most popular are established youth...
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How do you recognize a good goalkeeper? Physical and psychological prerequisites as well as game intelligence are decisive

How do you recognize a good goalkeeper? Physical and psychological prerequisites as well as game intelligence are decisive You can often recognize quality goalkeepers at first glance by their height and overall body proportions. They also lack analytical thinking and overall player intelligence. However, only practice makes perfect, and this is doubly true for...
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