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Interview - Miloš Buchta

22 May 2018

In the next interview with goalkeepers catching in BU1 gloves, we will talk to Miloš Buchta from Sigma Olomouc. He will answer what he says about his team's excellent position, what makes Czech football different, and he also did not forget to comment on his goals for the next season.

Hi Buchtič, for all fans who follow the Czech league, you are a well-known name mainly thanks to the last season, in which you helped Sigma to a famous position. Did you expect something similar when you entered the competition at the beginning of autumn as a newcomer from the second league?

Hello! To be honest, they didn't expect it. I thought we would play a quiet mid-table game. The quality in the team was and still is, so I kind of knew that we had a chance to play a balanced game against teams that are in very good places in the league every year. But I certainly didn't even think about the fact that we could play for the cup rungs. We all knew for sure that it wouldn't be like the second league. But what must be said is the fact that we played such a season thanks to the second league. The squad had time to play. At the same time, management didn't interfere with the composition of the team, so we stayed together as a bunch, and that helped extremely. I certainly don't consider the fact that we are placed like this to be a coincidence.

Compared to other league goalkeepers, you are a matador. Even so, you've had a more than excellent season, you've been in the cycling team several times and you're among the top, just look at the statistics. Can you say what you have an advantage over your younger colleagues?

First of all, I avoided injuries, so I didn't miss training sessions and especially matches. I didn't fall out of rhythm during the whole season, which benefited both my body and my head. The second thing is that the manchaft was doing well. This helps all members of the squad, whether you are a goalkeeper or a striker. You're kind of riding a winning streak. Maybe I sometimes supported it with good performances, but on the contrary, there were also matches when I could have captured better. Compared to younger goalkeepers, I am not as agile and fast, but on the contrary, I have experience that I can apply in the match. I can't forget that either.

You played football in Slovakia and Romania. Is there anything that makes Czech football more attractive or fun for you?

I followed the Czech league even after leaving abroad. The first big difference that strikes you is in the stadiums. Here in the Czech Republic, modern stadiums are being built, older ones are possibly being reconstructed. Compared to Romania or Slovakia, they are thus on a high level. Where we arrived this year, there was a beautiful stadium.
The situation in Slovakia is improving, but at the time when I had the opportunity to play there, the Slovak and Hungarian stadiums were similar – concrete monsters. As far as football is concerned, in the Czech Republic the game is more about tactics, a lot of attention is paid to preparation and training. As a result, the game is more attractive not only for the player, but especially for the viewer, at least in my opinion. There was a lot of money in Romania at one time, but lately the quality has gone down. In the Czech Republic it is exactly the opposite.

You wear 30 as a number, does it have a deeper meaning?

Ever since my youth days at Sigma, I've worn a 30. Wherever I went, I took it, that is, if I could. When I returned to Olomouc, I immediately told myself, as an experienced greaser, about 30. She just grew to my heart and I can't imagine football without her.

Thanks to excellent performances, Sigma has secured a place in the qualification of the European League. Are you excited?

So we're all definitely looking forward to it. We still want to fight for the 3rd place in the league, which ensures promotion to the group, even if it is not completely in our hands. Whether it's in the preliminary round or in the group, the further you go, the better the teams are, and that's a terrible challenge. Despite the fact that there is probably no boy in Sigma who has experience in European cups, there is quality in our team, so it will be very interesting both for us and for others.

When you look back on your career so far, can you think of any match that stands out from the others?

I've had a lot of good and bad matches, I probably won't pick one of them in a hurry. Among my favorite memories is the year 2005, when I became the goalkeeper of the season in Slovakia. That's what I became in Romania in 2010. Then you think that you didn't catch the season completely wrong. In Romania, football is in a different media than here, so people and the media simply dealt with it more.

In which of the Czech stadiums do you play the best, that is, apart from your home stadium Androva?

As I said before, the Czech stadiums are all very nice and pleasant. Letná has the greatest charm, while Eden is super modern. Everyone has to play well in such stadiums.

You dress the model Classic . Are you satisfied with him? How did you get the BU1 gloves in the first place?

I've changed a lot of gloves in my career. I once saw a video where my friend was trying on gloves. I thought there was no way the gloves could stick like that. I immediately contacted the guys from Bu1 and in a few days I was able to try the gloves myself, they did not disappoint me. I'm old school, so I like the glove design to be simple, clean. Classic fulfills this 100%. Even though I previously had gloves from a competitor that I couldn't praise, I wouldn't change them back now. I always tell others: "Try a pair, you won't regret it!". I want to thank the guys very much for a great job. Maybe it was thanks to these gloves that I caught such a season.

Honey, we have one last question left. Have you set any goals for next season yet?

Since there is still one last round left, we will focus only on the current season. We would like to move to the 3rd rung, but it is not only up to us. But the goal for next season is clear. To be healthy, to be cohesive as before and to repeat the game that we showed this year.

Buchtic, thank you very much for the great interview. Do you have any other words you would like to note?

Many thanks too! I would like to wish everyone a successful rest of the season and a sunny summer. I would like to thank the guys from BU1 again for the nice gloves that you can simply rely on. To those who haven't had the chance to try them yet, I say: "Try a pair, you won't regret it!"

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