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Interview - Martin Jedlička

21 Jun 2018

We don't let the goalkeeper rest even during the summer break. Another fighter who underwent our interview is a huge talent, a representative and above all a great boy, Martin Jedlička.

Hi Martin,
despite your age, you are a fully professional goalkeeper, youth representative and
great things are expected of you in the future. How do you feel about all this?

In truth, I don't think great things are expected of me. I may be an unknown name to a lot of people, so they will probably learn about me over time. I would like to make further progress with hard work, I try to constantly work hard and move forward.. Currently, my goal is to steadily win the league within a year and a half. While this may be a selfish goal, I know it will take me much further in my career. I would also like to establish myself in the U21 rep, even though there is a lot of competition there.

You caught the last season in Dunajská Streda. How was the transition to Slovakia?
Did you have to get used to the new environment a lot?

Dunajská Streda has excellent facilities, it's at a top level, that's why everything went well and I got used to the local conditions very well, the training environment is great, everyone has a wonderful attitude towards the team and football in general. Although I didn't know anyone when I arrived, I soon got together with Patrik Macej, he is also a goalkeeper, he comes from Ostrava, born in 1994. You can say that we are such partners, we live together in the room and as goalkeepers we just stick together.

Even though you've had huge success in the UEFA Junior League, I think a lot of people don't know about such a competition at all. Can you tell us not only about its format, but also about your path to success?

The only problem is that Czech teams are not very successful in this competition, so people often don't even know about it. You can say that it is the youth format of the Champions League. The winners of the youth competitions advance to it, and the group and knockout stages are played. Příbramí and I managed to win a historic title, we eliminated CSKA Moscow in front of a full stadium and we made it to the eight finals, where we unfortunately lost to Benfica Lisbon on penalties. It's a great experience and every match in this competition is completely different.

How are you preparing for next season? Do you have any "vacations" or are you working non-stop?

Of course I have holidays, during the summer I switch off for at least 10 days to rest from football and everything around it. At that time I try to spend time with my girlfriend, we go on vacation or spend time together. I spend a lot of time with my family and friends, who give me energy. After 14 days off, however, the preparation begins again and everything starts anew.

Do you have a plan for where your future career will go? Would you rather stay in the Czech Republic or try a job abroad?

I don't take it that way. All I want to do is catch. Abroad is of course a bigger challenge, but for me now the priority is to get between the sticks regularly. I just want to catch big matches. My dream is to catch matches at Sparta, Slavia or Pilsen, but I can't plan anything, football is unpredictable, even when it comes to transfers, so I'm just concentrating on giving 100%.

You have also completed the U19 Euro in Georgia. Can you say which match of the tournament you remember as the best?

The best match was definitely the last one in the group – against Georgia. It was a toss-up, we needed not to concede a goal and Georgia needed to win. There were 30 thousand people there, the whole stadium was chanting. In the end I accomplished my pre-match task, we won 2-0. Despite the fact that it was one of my hardest matches, I probably remember it the most fondly.

Do you devote your free time to any hobby or hobby?

Like every soccer player, I play on Playstation, I like FIFU and NHL the most. I regularly watch hockey, especially overseas hockey, and sometimes I play tennis. Otherwise I think it's nothing abnormal, I do what almost every boy my age does.

You are one of the first to wear BU1 gloves. But how did you get to them?

I actually came across them about a year and a half ago. My contract with a competitor just expired, so I was looking for something new. I was scrolling through Facebook and came across an unknown brand from Opava. I got in touch with the guys and they sent me the first pairs for testing. I haven't had another on my hands since. Next season I will be wearing BUs again, probably in the All Black model, which I like the most.

Martin, the interview is over, but I will ask you one last question. Who do you most wish to win this year's World Cup in Russia?

I would like it most for Panama, my teammate plays for them. But I think Argentina will win. Although they didn't do well in the first game, I'm guessing that Messi will make it to the gold this year.

Martin, thank you very much for the great interview. I wish you the best of luck in the future and look forward to further cooperation. Would you like to say anything to the readers at the end?

Enjoy your holidays, may your favorite win in Russia and I also wish you that the upcoming season starts according to your imagination. I also thank you very much for the interview and I would also like to thank the entire BU1 team for their excellent work. Don't be afraid to try their gloves!

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