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Custom BU1 – Broken Fingers

27 Apr 2023

Custom-made gloves are one of the many things that a goalie, big or small, can dream of. Each of us has had a wish at least once in our football life that would make his gloves perfect. And we can proudly say: "We can make your dreams come true!"

One of these wishes was to create gloves for goalkeepers broken fingers . As most of you know, catching with an injured hand can be very uncomfortable and most importantly, it can cause even bigger health problems. However, sometimes there is simply no other choice. In addition, even after the fusion of the bones, the fingers are weak for any load. Fingers can take more than weeks to recover, and so investment in own goalkeeper model gloves is more than wise.

A few weeks ago, two goalkeepers contacted us independently. Their wish was to make gloves that would sufficiently protected their fingers and which would enable them fix a broken finger with another . We put our heads together with our designer and designed a special piece of gloves made just for them. Both goalkeepers had very similar requirements - foam Giga Grip and double elastic closure . The first of them decided to redesign the model Lime on Negative Cut , the other one he wanted to redo Blue in the Roll Finger cut .

She was the biggest and most important wish speed of delivery . Since the customers wanted their gloves as soon as possible, we couldn't wait too long - so we made and packed the goods only 4 weeks . Because these were very special pieces that are made "one can say" to measure one pair each, the price for one pair of gloves was CZK 2,990 including VAT.

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