Why is football so popular: The history of this amazing game
Football, known as the king of sports, has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. Its popularity dates back to distant history, although we only talk about modern football in the second half of the 19th century, when it began to develop especially in the United Kingdom. And probably the historical development is one of the main reasons why football is so popular in England, where there are over 40,000 registered clubs.
Thanks to its popularity among people, professional development, and the growth of competitions, it has become part of global culture and unites people all over the world.
Let's take a look at the history of football and why it enjoys such popularity.

From the Aztecs, through China to Rome
If we look into truly deep history, we find references to team ball games dating back about three thousand years in ancient Aztec cultures. The ball was made of rubber and the game was called Tchatali.
Some of the games had a ritual aspect, where the ball symbolized the sun. The captain of the losing team was subsequently sacrificed to the gods.
In China, a game involving kicking a ball appeared around the 3rd to 2nd century BC, called Cuju or Ts'u-chü. The ball was round, stitched from leather, and stuffed with fur or feathers. It was mainly played by soldiers before it spread to the common people.
Another version of the game appeared in Greece, where the ball was made of leather and filled with hair.
The Greek way of playing then spread to Rome, where the games were seen as entertainment. They also helped to strengthen physical strength and mental balance.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, there was a decline in ball games. Records of them have been preserved thanks to medieval monasteries, where they later also spread.
The medieval version of the game
According to the first preserved reports, football developed in the Middle Ages mainly in France, Italy, and England, where it became very popular. It was mostly played in the streets of cities, in villages, and on meadows, with a very large number of people participating.
The goal was to win the ball and get it to one of the city gates. Due to the large participation and the rougher style of play, which included fistfights, property was often damaged and sometimes even fatal injuries occurred. This led to the issuance of city or royal decrees banning the game.
In the 17th century, the streets of London came alive again with games similar to football. Sports activities were also introduced in schools to prevent students from becoming 'hooligans' and vandals. Mainly in Cambridge, Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse, Rugby, Shrewsbury, and Westminster. Each of them, however, used its own and constantly changing rules adapted to local conditions.
Gradually, two main forms emerged, one allowing players to take the ball in their hands (the predecessor of rugby) and the other played exclusively with the feet.
The first rules and the formation of the Football Association
With the gradual technological development, there was also an increase in competitiveness among schools. For this reason, it was necessary to settle the rules of the game. In 1848, a meeting took place in Cambridge with 14 representatives from schools, who managed to partially unify the rules.
There was no mention among them specifying the type, size, or weight of the ball, the dimensions of the goal and the field were not stated, nor were referees, the number of players, or the length of the playing time defined. Likewise, the consequences for not adhering to these rules were not decided.
A significant milestone is considered to be the year 1863, when the first Football Association was founded in England.
The rules established by the association prohibited rough play (hacking), carrying the ball in hands, and also holding and tripping an opponent with the ball.
Since some disagreed with the changes prohibiting hacking, a second group was formed, which established the Rugby Football Union in 1871, separating rugby from football.
The game continued to evolve, and some rules remained flexible. The number of players on the field could vary, and jerseys were not used to distinguish teams.
It wasn't until 1870 that the number of players was set at ten, plus one goalkeeper. A year later, the role of a neutral referee was established, and only the goalkeeper was allowed to touch the ball with their hands.
Competitions and the popularization of football
The popularity of football in England grew, leading to the creation of several competitions. Before the establishment of the FA Cup, the association had only 50 teams. The cup helped popularize football, and in 1877, the Sheffield Association joined, expanding the membership base to 128 clubs.
In 1872, the first international match took place between England and Scotland, which ended in a goalless draw.
The model of the English Cup and the establishment of the English league inspired competitions in other countries. Tournaments were managed by an organization called The Association Football Union.
The first champion of England was Preston North End in 1889, who immediately recorded a winning double, achieving success in both the league and the cup.
Significant rule changes since 1886
On June 2, 1886, the first meeting of an organization called the International Football Association Board took place, consisting of representatives from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. In 1913, a delegate from the international football federation FIFA, which was founded in Paris in 1904, joined them.
The members of the Board voted annually on changes to the rules of the game. In 1891, the rules were revised at the suggestion of Ireland.
- In 1890, goal nets were introduced.
- In 1891, the penalty kick was introduced, which could be taken from any point on a special twelve-yard line.
- In 1907, offside was no longer called in the player's own half of the field.
- In 1912, the goalkeeper was allowed to catch the ball with their hands in their penalty area (previously they could do so anywhere on the field with the option to throw the ball into the opponent's goal).
- In 1925, the offside rules were changed. For a player to remain in play, there needed to be two players between them and the goal, instead of the previous three.
H2: The beginnings of professional football
The origins of professional football date back to the north of England, although the first professional players came from Scotland. Scottish clubs played a more attacking style based on passing, which brought them more success.
In 1872, during an international match between Scotland and England, there was a draw, but in the following years, the Scots won nine times and the English only twice.
In 1879, an insignificant cotton workers' club, Darwen from Lancashire, drew with the Old Etonians. It was later discovered that two Scottish players, Fergus Suter and James Love, played for the English club. They were reportedly persuaded to stay in England after a friendly match with Patrick Thistle by English officials who promised them very good pay for playing matches with the local football club.
This case did not yet signify the rule of paid player transfers. Clubs could only afford him if they had enough black money, and everything was done against the rules of the Football Association, for which football still meant only an amateur game.
Southern clubs made up of former school players refused to compete against the professional ones, which was eventually resolved by FA secretary Charles Alcock. Although he was an advocate of amateurism, he saw professionalism as an inevitable progress of the game.
In 1885, the Football Association decided to legalize professional football.
In neighboring Scotland, the allowance for professional football came only in 1893. However, until then, local clubs employed footballers playing for money under the table.
H3: The emergence of the English league as a source of income
The Football Association subsequently had to secure a source of money to ensure a steady income for professional players. Friendly matches, which were all that remained for teams after being eliminated from the English Cup, did not seem very lucrative.
In 1886, the long-lasting competition in the form of the English league was established to guarantee enough attractive matches and fill the coffers.
The popularity of football increased even more, as countless young men could make a living by kicking a ball instead of doing hard work in factories. Moreover, they received quite decent salaries.
In 1901, the highest wage for professional players was around 4 pounds a week. By 1910, the wage rose to 5 pounds, and by 1920, it climbed to 9 pounds.
The highest wage was introduced partly due to concerns that wealthier clubs would attract quality players and weaken the poorer ones.
Historical football equipment
Heavy balls filled with a bladder
With the development of football rules, the equipment of players also evolved over the years. From leather balls filled with feathers, they gradually transitioned to using pig bladders for filling, chosen for their elasticity and ability to hold air. Bladders were sewn inside the leather that formed the surface of the football.
One of the disadvantages of the balls was the possibility of soaking up water in bad weather. At that moment, it was very difficult to kick them, and heading was out of the question.
The size of the ball was flexible until 1872, when the Football Association set the circumference of the ball at 68-73 cm.
Heavy cotton jerseys and knickerbockers
High school players wore better quality jerseys than the amateur ones, who were dressed in mismatched jerseys and pants with suspenders. School jerseys were colorful and highly patterned, similar to jockey jerseys. Or they looked like striped pajamas. Adult players played in heavy cotton shirts complemented by knickerbockers below the knees, fastened with buttons, which were replaced by shorts around 1905.
Only with the development of professional football did adult players start to style themselves in elegant high school jerseys, whose styles and colors initially changed quite a bit. The jerseys had various buttons, fastenings, and collars.
Heavier materials were gradually replaced by lighter and tighter ones.
The identical clothing of the goalkeeper and teammates caused a lot of confusion. But from 1909, the Football Association decided that the goalkeeper must wear a jersey of red or blue color, and by 1912, green was added as well. Additionally, goalkeepers did not lack turtlenecks until the 1950s.

Studs in football boots were replaced by cleats
As for football boots, they were initially made with studs. Later, these were abandoned and replaced by regular shoes. Gradually, shoes with cleats became popular, allowing for better movement on the field in any weather.
Leather boots reached above the ankles, where patches were sewn in to accommodate extra protectors. The disadvantage of these boots was their inflexibility. It took a long time for players to put them on and get used to them.
Why is football so popular?
Football is one of the most popular sports with the highest number of fans from all over the world.
It does not discriminate based on race, social, financial, or religious background. It is simply accessible to everyone.
It is recognized among various cultures around the world.
Football builds communities and social cohesion. Every football club has enthusiastic fans who identify with and support it. It connects people and gives them a sense of belief.
Football creates job opportunities for many who want to be associated with the club off the field. Football events are significant for organizations and coordinators.
Players create a positive influence on other players, who want to develop their skills and get closer to their admired idols. Many young people see their favorite players as heroes on the field.