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Training for young football players: Fun exercises for children up to 7 years old

12 Sep 2024

Training for young football players: Fun exercises for children up to 7 years old

Success in football does not come overnight, so you need to train regularly from an early age. Of course, the exercises for preschoolers look a little different than the training of adult players. Training exercises for soccer players under the age of 7 focus mainly on running with the ball at their feet and handling the ball, usually on a smaller field. But good coaches also think about cultivating a love for this sport and approach training in a fun way. Let's take a look at the 5 most famous football games that they choose the most.

1. Filling the bucket

Children much prefer races and competitions to standard training . Little football players are no exception, for example, who love the game known as Filling the Bucket. During this, the players are divided into two teams, ideally of three, so that everyone has their own balloon. And then it's a race to see who can collect the balloons first in a certain place in the middle of the field and at the same time run to the opposite side. In this way, children will learn to run with the ball at their feet and will also have a lot of fun.

2. Emptying the bucket

As a revenge, the little soccer players can play a game where, on the other hand, they get the balls out of the marked area . The principle is therefore the same as for "Filling the bucket", only everyone goes exactly the opposite way. This means that the balls are in place at the beginning and the players try to run with them to the other end of the court as soon as possible . And the winner is logically the team that is the first in place even with all the balloons.

3. Room cleaning

This game is suitable for training kicking technique, but also speed, and we recommend it for future goalkeepers, who, in addition to high-quality football boots, must also have goalkeeper gloves . The principle is that players must keep their half completely empty. At a given time, not a single ball must remain on it, so the already mentioned cleaning is carried out , which takes place very simply - by kicking the balloons to the other side of the field . However, coaches or opponents try to return them as quickly as possible. Therefore, little soccer players have to aim as best as possible to kick the ball far away from places where someone is standing. Taking into account the rules of football for players under 7 years of age, it is played on a smaller field than in the case of adult football players.

4. English bulldog

Maybe you know this game under the name "Sharks and minnows" or you call it something completely different. Its principle , which basically does not include soccer balls , is important , but coaches of small soccer players usually prefer its extended version. Do you know how it goes?

It is played on a surface approximately 14 meters wide and 27 meters long, which is divided into three equal parts by means of discs and cones. Both sections on the edges are safe, but in the middle a so-called danger zone will arise . And while the other players are on the edge with the ball, two of them are marked as Bulldogs and lurk in the danger zone.

At the start of the game, the coach blows the whistle and the players try to run the balloon over the zone where the Bulldogs are waiting for them . None of them must steal the ball from them. And the one who doesn't keep an eye on his ball becomes a bulldog in the next round. The winner is the one who is the last player among the bulldogs.

5. Four goals

This game is not only about fun, but also about training your footwork and kicking technique. In addition, it encourages players to shoot at the goal. The basis is to place four goals on the field , each of them in the middle of one side, so that there are always two facing each other. The number of balls should be higher than the number of players.

Little football players are divided into four groups. The first players from each group first run to the center for the balls and try to kick them into the goal. If the player succeeds, the next player from his group enters the game. This is how it goes round and round until there is not a single ball left on the field, or when all the balls are in the goals. Whoever delivers the most balls to their goal wins.

So, if you are looking for a football school for children up to seven years old near you, take an interest in the style of preparation . And you can also mention specific games like the English bulldog, which every good coach of children and teenagers knows. This way, you will quickly get an overview of whether to entrust your children to him.
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